“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”
Proverbs 27:17
As Christians, God did not create us to live alone. We often are tempted to have an isolated mindset…after all, we have Him and He is all we need, right!? Although He is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother, we find in His Word that He intended for us to have solid, godly friendships. Throughout Scripture we read of those “power” friendships that God used for His glory and for the betterment of those individuals. Even Christ had dear friends while on the earth. Our focus verse says, “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Without friendship, one lacks aid in sharpening and risks a dull countenance. But, to be sharpened by another one must carefully choose their companions.
As prior stated, one must first choose their iron companions wisely. The Bible speaks of being equally yoked. In Amos 3:3 the following question is posed: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” As Christians, we must surround ourselves with those who can encourage us in the faith. If we disagree on the most important matter in our lives- Christ- it is impossible that sharpening can take place. Once we have established compatibility and desire for a Proverbs 27:17 friendship, we must work to build and maintain it.
The first step to doing so is examining our own selves or iron. If we are dull, we bring nothing to the table of friendship. We must be actively seeking the Lord and walking with Him so that we have overflow to share with our dear friend. On the flip side of that, there will be times where we do become dull. It is in those moments that the iron friend, who has also been actively walking with the Lord, is ready to step in and provide aid in our sharpening.
But what does the process of iron sharpening iron actually look like? In simplicity, the two pieces are rubbed against one another which creates heat and friction. In this process, that which is no longer helpful is chipped away and results in a freshly sharpened instrument. We often view good friends as those who go out of their way to encourage and uplift us. Too often in our minds, those who tell us how good we’re doing. But, we must keep in mind that encouragement always brings about a better result. We need friends who are willing to walk through those heated situations for our good. On the flip side, we must be willing to create friction in our friendships to provide true help to our loved one. Proverbs 27:6 says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” This process may often feel uncomfortable but it is a necessary part of God’s design in this area. When we are willing to be chipped away, or to lovingly and gracefully point out the areas that our friend could use sharpening in, we are blessed with a beautiful outcome. This process only strengthens the bond and builds a stronger foundation for growth.
Ask the Lord to help you with your Proverbs 27:17 friendships. Are you willing to be sharpened? Do you truly value those who attempt that process for your betterment or do you resent their sincerity and obedience? Do you often opt for a dull blade? Are you willing to have those uncomfortable conversations or do you neglect your role in the lives of those the Lord has blessed you with? Take time this week to thank the Lord for the friendships that He has blessed you with and ask Him to help build them further. Go out of your way to thank those in your life who have been willing to endure uncomfortable situations to sharpen you. It is through these times that the sweetest of friendship emerges.